ABOUT.The Coalition for Orcas Youth aims to support all Orcas youth to live up to their full human potential. We will do this by strengthening community collaboration, reducing youth substance use, and reducing anxiety and depression.
Established in 2018The Coalition for Orcas Youth (COY) celebrated its first coalition community board meeting on July, 11th 2018, with 22 participants representing 12 sectors of the Orcas community. The Coalition is housed under the umbrella of the Funhouse Commons and is funded by a federal Drug Free Communities grant.
Our GoalThe Coalition for Orcas Youth (COY) is comprised of a diverse board of stakeholders representative of 12 different sectors of our community. We seek to include youth, parents, law enforcement, civic/volunteer organization, business, healthcare professionals, media, school, youth-serving organizations, religious/fraternal organizations, state/local/tribal government, and mental health services. We work upstream to prevent problems before they start.
HOURS. TELEPHONE. EMAIL. ADDRESS. M-F: 9am - 5pm. 360-376-7177 [email protected] Funhouse Commons 30 Pea Patch Lane Eastsound, WA 98245 |